Water pump bolt broke off

Go ghetto: file it flat and mount the pump back on it with a nice bead of "the right stuff" let it set up and then mount a small C-clamp over the pump and that ear (or a pair of vice-grips if your from the south!) That would get me home and probably a few weeks more until I could muster the time to pull the cover and replace it. Pulling the balancer is about 5 minutes of work once you got the loaner puller: Its a 3 flange dealio with a jack screw in the middle. Remove pulley bolt- Mount the 3 flanges of puller to the balancers inner pulley holes and start the jack screw into the threaded bore (it wont hit the threads) and then run it down to teh threads and turn it about 5 turns, it will ease the balancer right off enough so you can pull it off with your hands. Rad removal is required. installation is easier, just push it on as far as you can, then use the bolt to pull it back into the snout. Tighten to like 150 ft/lbs (in gear or with the crank blocked (use 2 long bolts in the pulley holes and wedge a tire iron between them and the frame). If you need a cover, the guy in Phoenix has one for you or I got one in Ca for postage too. Mine's even chromed...or whats left of it.