engine/trans vibration

If the vibration is mostly in third gear; that seems to indicate it is related to a certain speed; yet you indicated in an earlier post that it was not,IIRC.
Mopar unibodys have a natural tendency to vibrate at about 55 mph. Almost anything can set it off. And it is a very slow, dreadfully annoying, oscillation; I'm gonna guess at less than 60 cps. It's kindof a rolling woo-woo-woo-woo. By 60/62 it is fading and by 65 it is gone. And it does not change with swapping the rear gear, or the trans or the driveshaft; like I said dreadfully annoying.
I found my tires seemed to set it off, big tires in that day; N50-15s. I have later experienced the exhaust system setting it off as well, and open windows too.
In my cases nothing in the car or chassis was actually seen to vibrate, yet there it was; woo-woo-woo. There was no cure except to not drive 55.
When my current ride (68 Barracuda) started doing it, I finally found a partial cure in changing the pinion angle to a lessor amount.
One time I found an out-of-round tire was exciting it. The tire/wheel was balanced, but the slight "hop" at speed got the body going. New tires solved that one
It has a slight vibration in park at all RPM, the annoying cyclical vibration is most prevalent in 3rd gear at 1500-1800 rpm, even sitting on jack stands with drive shaft disconnected.
That sounds like the same problem I had before, same RPM as yours. After days of looking and testing I found the exhaust pipe would touch the frame and that was causing the vibration. Moved the pipe and the vibration went away
That sounds like the same problem I had before, same RPM as yours. After days of looking and testing I found the exhaust pipe would touch the frame and that was causing the vibration. Moved the pipe and the vibration went away
That may be something for me to look at, I have TTI headers on the car, the headers are extremely close to the frame in one spot and also several places where the torsion bars slide right through them on both sides.......