Any model builders here?

Your Corsair looks good, but then I'm kinda biased towards Navy planes! I used to build models all the time. Not so much, anymore. Back in 2005, I was trying to finish a 1965 Mustang before my son was born, cause I knew after he got here I wouldn't have the time and I didn't want the paint and glue around him. (Can you tell he was my first???). I never finished it, and recently came across it again sitting in the box I had stored it in. I think my son and I might finish it one of these days. I also have an F-14D Super Tomcat (I was an F-14D radar tech) still sealed in its box that I bought to do after the Mustang. My wife's rules were I had to finish one before I started on another. Since I never finished the Mustang, I never go to start on the Tomcat. We might have to do that one, too. Maybe I'll try to find an A-body to work on after the Tomcat. I have one put up in my closet, actually, but that one's not getting opened. It was a gift, and I still owe the guy that gave it to me something in return!