Lokar kickdown cable

When I put the Lokar kickdown on my 340, I had trouble with the little "L" shaped bracket that bolts on the tranny, by the tranny kick down lever. It kept bending, so I fabbed one up out of a piece of steel angle iron and iliminated that problem. The cables tend to stretch, when new, but after they are used a while work good. Just remember the outer cable housing is a fulcrum. I shortened mine up as I didn't need the whole lenght. Shorter cables work better. The trick to adjusting the cable, is to have some one under the car (safley), to hold the kickdown lever on the tranny all the way forward, then pull all the slack out of the cable, to get the proper adjustment. Then put the spring back on the kick down lever, to hold it in posistion. Hope this helps.
