Swinger rarity...

I do not think it is a matter of Swingers being rare. I think it is more about the Dart Sport being more desirable. Do to this, many more swingers probably made it to the crusher. Just like Dusters being more common than Scamps. I do not know the actual mfr #'s but I would imagine the swinger had a descent percentage built in a 4 door configuration and a modest # built in a 2 dr, where as the Dart Sport was always a 2 door. I believe most people thought of the Dart Sport/Duster as performance oriented and the Swinger/Scamp more family friendly. My 2 cents.

That is an excellent point.

That being said i have not seen really any darts 2-4 door and im not counting the remade ones.

Ill edit it.