Aussie speed bought dutra duels!

My opinion is definitely not always correct, no doubt many times flawed.
But, take the timber/national forest scenario I mentioned. Example, the bird watcher's agenda (tree hugger)> he spots a woodpecker of a species that is deemed to have fewer numbers that experts determined there should be, in this particular area.. Are those numbers correct? Turns out No. Later determined inaccurate. So this patch of timber is not thinned. So what? Forestry management. There is a reason stands of trees are thinned at the proper time. Reduces problems with dead fallen trees, which in turn causes problems with insect and disease which in turn destroys the environment these people want to protect, that in turns protects their bird. .... the bird watcher has one agenda. His. There lies the problem.
Why can environmentalist ,the tree hugger get a bad rep, ?? Lack of common sense and tunnel vision concerning their agenda.
Another of many examples. The issue with the "wild" mustang. The BLM , thru law, protects this vast number of wild horses. Most run on BLM land. The "tree hugger" as I refer to this group in general, goes to all and extreme measures to try to impose their wishes on all concerned. BUT, they neglect the fact of the damage a horse does to the eco system where these horses roam, by the thousands, and numbers grow every year. Yet these same uninformed, agriculturally uneducated people also have their agenda of removing all cattle from BLM land. They have no idea the good that cattle do for the plant life, the health of this fragile environment. The damage the horse does the cow does not. They have total tunnelvision. Forget the fact these same people, are responsible for the govn't rounding up thousands of mustangs, delivering to ranchers in Ok and other states and paying them per head to provide grass, hay and feed at the taxpayers expense. Who is responsible for thi. The tree hugger with its tunnelvison for hi personal agenda.
When I was a kid, we spread used motor oil on the dirt road in front of our old house to keep down dust. We don't do that any more. We know better.............. And they paved the road!!!!!!!