How much fuel (kerosene) does a 747 burn?

When the gas crunch of the '70's got underway, a friend who was in a squadron (I was at NAS Miramar then) told me what a Phantom could hold full fuel load. Whatever it was we estimated that if you figured that in gas gallons instead of pounds of JP it would operate my (then) 440-6 Roadrunner a couple of years. Just one mission. And just one aircraft

It's been too many years, so i have forgotten how many gallons of JP-4 a Phantom holds internally. Depending upon the model, figure on 2,000 gallons, but if all 3 external tanks are hung, the center held 600 gallons, and the outboard tanks held 300 gallons each.
Lotsa "gas" to keep them up in the air, for a mission before they run low, to meet up with a tanker, for in flight refueling.