Did anyone actually slow down to 55 MPH in 1974?

When I attended the California Highway Patrol Academy in 1982-1983, I was giving a 2 ounce bottle of tequila at the end of the course as a "prize" for being voted the cadet who asked the most questions.

My vehicle code instructor (Sgt. Senna) gave me the nickname "Cadet Tidy Bowl" after I asked him a question regarding the 55 MPH speed limit at that time. My question was regarding which vehicle code section to use when a farm labor bus (which was towing a porta-potty behind it for the laborers to use in the fields) exceeded the 55 MPH limit:
Would one site the section prohibiting all vehicles in general from exceeding 55 MPH?
Would one site the particular section prohibiting farm labor transportation vehicles from exceeding 55 MPH?
Would one site the particular section prohibiting vehicles towing trailers (in this case, the outhouse) from exceeding 55 MPH?

As a side note, during one training session, cadet volunteers drank straight shots of liquor, so that us other student cadets could practice administering field sobriety tests on them.

Not only that, an instructor burned some marijuana one day inside the classroom, so new officers could testify in court that they were familiar with the smell of burning marijuana after having been exposed to the odor during academy training (not having ever smoked a joint at a party, of course).

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