Cell Phones and Driving

North Carolina allows talking on a cell phone while driving. But, not texting. I see people texting everyday. I can watch them thumb their screen while driving. Had 2 near head-on collisions from drivers texting.

One incident, that I almost went ballistic: I was at a drive-up ATM. At the ATM window was a woman on her cellphone. I pulled in behind her and waited while she yakked on the phone. She got her money and finally took the car out of PARK. (I could see the reverse lights flash). She moved forward about 4 feet and stopped. Put the vehicle back in PARK and continued yakking on the phone. I couldn't get to the ATM. This was late at night, the bank parking lot was empty. I thought about honking my horn but, it was such a pathetic meeeep sound. But, I was talking very loudly at her (not cussing). I gave up and drove to another ATM. She looked at me as I went by and the expression on her face was complete bewilderment.