Good times...

Have you tried it successfully?
Absolutely. I had a really bad case of Sciatica. I could not walk at all. It hurt to lay down being completely still. My older son's had to carry me on an ironing board from the living room to my bedroom at night. I went to my acupuncturist and after 3 treatments I was TOTALLY cured!! No pain, no stiffness. I don't like needles that much so I had avoided going to acupuncture for a year. During that year I had seen numerous doctors, neurosurgeons and specialist (XRAYS, MRIs, etc). They all wanted to operate. I refused to let them operate and finally broke down and went to acupuncture. It was amazing. Totally amazing. That was over 30 years ago. That acupuncturist gave me my life back. 30 years without pain is wonderful!!!

I've gone back for other pain issues (which were also fixed) but have never had to go back for my Sciatica.
