Running electric

Do you have propane that can be delivered?? Might think about putting most of the heavy hitters of a house on propane. Water heater, furnace, kitchen/stove, fireplace, clothes dryer. Once you take the amps of all of those traditional draws out of the equation, you'll find that you are left not needing quite so much juice. With most new houses that I've been working on, all the lighting is now LED, which is using about 7 watts a bulb vs 70. Suddenly you don't need quite so many solar panels. The one drawback is having to have propane delivered periodically, but the first time a storm hits, and the power goes out, you'll be happy that you can run your whole house on a relatively small backup generator, or in the case of non-grid tied solar, a smaller bank of batteries. Surprises me though that they can't just run the 6-7 kV transmission line up to your spot underground and then plant a transformer at the end.
Thats a great point! I know my wife does want a gas range so converting to a propane for all the rest would be easily done. the other thing is I plan on running point of source, tankless water heaters. They use far less power as well.

Its not that they can't run the line, its the sheer cost that's the problem.