Setting the timing on a 69 318

Its hard to instruct not knowing whether you need help with a task or how to approach the problem. Pulling from the suggestions in this thread, here's what may work for you. Pick the tasks that are most doable first, which is probably the easiest way for you.
  1. Is there anything not stock about the engine other than an overbore? Is the cam stock for '69?
  2. Take the cap and rotor off the distributor and see what color the shaft is; steel gray or yellow bronze. Reinstall. Post back answer to these two questions.
  3. Verify timing mark: When timing mark is at TDC, #1 piston must be at the top of the stroke. Can check this thread out Ignition Timing is way off
  4. Plug vac advance hose from carburetor to distributor. Read the timing at normal idle. Note the exact rpm. If you don't have a tach, get one. Unused Tach/Dwell meters are pretty easy to find collecting dust.
  5. If possible, increase rpm and note the timing. Repeat until its off the scale. (with a dial back and a tach that reads to 3000 or 4000 rpm you can keep going much higher, but whatever you can get will help).
  6. Take the car for a ride up the same hill. It may not ping with the vacuum advance disconnected. Try to repeat the throttle conditions it was at when it pinged.
Here's a little one pager from Chrysler on what the vacuum advance does.
Ignition System Analysis (Session 259) from the Master Technician's Service Conference