67 Barracuda Conv. Doors Interchange

I replaced the door on my 67 vert with a door off a 68 notch. I got real lucky and found a rust free door locally. The 68 door was partially stripped, no glass or vent window assembly. Both doors had remote control outside mirrors that were located the same.

When looking at swapping parts between doors I discovered that the 67 vent window assembly is mounted differently than it is in a 68 door. The easiest way to resolve this issue was to cut off the upper inner part of the door and swap between doors, although I suppose I could've looked for a 68 vent assembly. I was glad I discovered this before painting the door.

Regarding the wedge block that goes on the end of the door there were little dimples in the end of the 68 door where the screw holes needed to be for mounting the block.