Help make this go viral please....

We just got back from feeding the feral colony next door to where my wife works.

She feeds them weekday mornings and we both try to go on Saturday.

Today we had 13 takers and we know there are about 3-4 more, plus another 10 in the back yard across the street, where the only other friendly soul in that neighborhood lives.

We've caught and "fixed" all but one of the adults and most of the ones in that back yard.
We've got one more adult female to go, and then we hope the current batch of kittens is the last.

When we started a little over 2 years ago, they were literally dying in the street on a regular basis, were very aggressive with each other, lots had severe eye infections, and were unapproachable, not to mention cranking out dozens of kittens, most of which didn't make it a month.

Today they were cleaning each other, sharing food dishes, and two that I've not been able to touch let me pet them.

TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) has worked wonders for this colony, with the help of the SPCA and a local 503c TNR clinic that only charges $25 for that and a 3 year rabies vaccine.

Good on both of you guys for giving a damn about some of God's creatures that normally get a very raw deal.