Photo editing software?

Photoshop will work in all formats including jpeg and bitmap. I do a ton of stuff using photoshop but is isn’t just click and create, you have to learn how to use it.

It isn't terribly hard and I know several folks I have helped get started and then they are off and running on their own. The internet has tons of teaching videos too.

The biggest thing with PS is that you need a computer with a fairly big free memory since the programs carves out a section of memory to use while in use. It isn’t massive by modern standards but a couple hundred free gigs will be required.

Play with it for a while and you will be doing stuff like this before you know it...

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Then I just must be a dumb ***. I have tried, multiple times, to learn PS. Layers, masking etc....huh?
But then again I am not one for heavily edited photos. If the car is green the car is green. If the car don't have a hood scoop so be it. I understand that photos are art...just don't like heavily tweaked photos. I have posted some photos on several forums that I thought were very un-natural looking and have gotten compliments on them. At the same time I have posted photos that I thought were very nice and was asked if I shot it in a cave without a flash so...
It is what it is.....
FWIW...have talked with a local professional photographer. He uses PS a lot. He tried to learn on his own, got no where with it. Failed the first time he took a college course. Wasn't until he found a local guy that was willing to take the time and mentor him,, one on one, until he got the hang of Photoshop.