Exhaust, etc.....

Yes, they sure were innovative.
Dan´s first pic is of Landy´s 68 Charger, and here is a picture of the front part of the exhaust pipe.
If we stick to the ´68 SS A-Bodies they some how got away with just having the pipes hanging there. Rules constantly changed and Landy´s ´68 Charger that was put together well ahead of the ´68 season, and actually was to be his flag ship that year, had the pipes hooked up. Than NHRA a few month later let the A-Bodies through with the pipes not actually being hooked up.
For the 1970-season the pipes were no longer needed, but it wasn´t till 1971 NHRA totally changed this rule, and superseded the text shown above with simply, "Open exhaust with headers permitted. Tailpipes and/or mufflers optional. Outlet for open exhaust cannot exceed 4 inches in diameter"
20160923 landy charger.jpg