.........Countdown to starvation

When gas goes up, everything goes up, except my wages. I'll be 65 in June, and one day soon there will no longer be a job for me. That's just the way it is up here. So the government dole will be all I get. That amounts to $437 per month, same as what my wife is collecting. That totals then to $10488 annually.And who knows for how much longer that will go on. The cost of my dwelling is more than that, With a negative number left to eat. That is also assuming I no longer have a car to operate, because I can no longer afford to register or insure it, never mind the cost of fuel or maintenance. Groceries and household maintenance alone for the two of us, and my dog,are more than the $10488 annual income. And my wife's meds are not in that either.
What I'm saying is, countdown to starvation is imminent.
There are only three ways to avoid it;
1) sell everything I have spent a lifetime to accumulate, to postpone the inevitable, or
2) walk away from it all, or
3) fall on my sword today, and escape the long slow arduous journey to the grave. or
4) other
But I know that some of you guys (perhaps most) must know, that this is all according to the agenda of the one-world government, who wants WORLD population reduced to 500,000,000, one-half billion. Starvation is a tool that has been used throughout history.
While the OWG is not yet overt, it is plain to see that the "shadow-government" is covertly already operating. It's just a matter of time,boys, so get yourselves right with God, before it's too late.
No I'm not gonna fall on my sword, and I'm not depressed; this end-time business was prophesied thousands of years ago. Actually I'm excited because God has a plan for his children, and no, I'm not talking about a rapture. There is no rapture! Forget about it; Rapture is man-invented imagination.
But God does have a plan to keep for himself a remnant. He always has in the past and will continue to the end. And he also prophesied about that throughout the Bible.
But you have be on the same page as Him.
I'm not gonna starve. and I'm not gonna prep.I'm gonna trust my Heavenly Father to Take care of me..... through the tribulation, just as he said He would. Then later, He will gather his remnant up from the 4 corners, where they were living in safety, far from the action..
But you have to be on the same page as Him.
4) other; Get on the same page as God, and trust Him
After all, is anything too great for God,creator of all that is, was, or ever shall be? The one who breathed Life into dirt, and made it a living soul? Who brings dead people back to life? Who feeds thousands of people on meager food and has more left over that He started with? Who parted the RedSea? Who caused the Sun to stand still over Gibeon, and the moon simultaneously? Who allowed Jonah to live three days in the belly of the whale? Who plucks tax-money from the mouth of a fish, or causes a donkey to talk, or........ well I think you get it.

Welcome to the end-time siege.