Prayers For Alfie

Many thanks for our thoughtful comments, adriver. Much appreciated.

In answer to your question...... What is happening to Alfie Evans is wrong on so many levels...... I cannot begin to put it all into words this evening.

As I see it, the primary issue here is that in the UK, the state (the present government acting through its government run healthcare entity known as the National Health Service) does not recognize the right of each individual to self-determination. Nor of the right of parents to make such decisions for their children who have not yet attained the age of majority. In short...... The present government in the UK doesn't recognize the right of Alfie Evans' parents to make the decisions regarding his treatment and indeed, his very freedom to be treated wherever and by whomever his parents determine. Else, they would have allowed Alfie's parents to come to his aid and with his parents' permission, for the Italian government which has granted Alfie Italian citizenship and has had a plane waiting for days to take him to Italy for treatment.

This is the danger a people subject themselves to when they trade personal freedom and self-determination for the illusion of a benevolent government taking care of them from cradle to grave (socialism). Socialism and statism you see, are the antithesis of true democracy and its attendant personal freedoms and rights of self-determination.

Socialism and statism are all about power. The power of the state, acting through a self-proclaimed elitist ruling class over every aspect of the lives of those living within the state. This is why the present government in the UK will not allow Alfie's parents to exercise what we here in America would view as their unalienable parental rights to act on his behalf as they see fit. (Unalienable/inalienable meaning G-d given and therefore unable to be either given away nor taken away.) For if the state government in the UK were to set a precedent by allowing Alfie's parents to determine his treatment, other people there would rightly expect the same consideration and challenge the state's contention that it is all powerful. And the state cannot allow that. No, that would never do......

That's how I see it, anyway.

Best regards and our family's prayers to Alfie and his parents,

Harry and Family