Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

Did anyone read the first paragraph of the link posted? According to the article, the skulls are much heavier than normal and it is believed that this fact disproves that the skulls were "deformed" on purpose/during development. The skulls were formed that way by DNA, just like all other body parts.

Did you read the rest of the article? Because it never even suggests the DNA isn’t human. Just that the DNA doesn’t match completely with the surrounding Native American population. They’re linking it to another HUMAN population from the Caspian Sea area. Suggesting a different human migration pattern than previously identified, not aliens. And they didn’t say the skulls weren’t formed by skull binding either, just that there were also genetic differences in addition to the shape characteristics that were caused by binding. That’s not the same as saying they formed like that. That’s all in the article.

As for the article- 1. Doesn’t list any sources 2. Doesn’t list the actual credentials or affiliations of those making the assertions and 3. Lists a chiropractor as one of the ranking team members- a background that has no relevance at all for the subject matter. Meaning, this is not a real scientific team. And the bombardment of web ads tells me it’s not much of a scientific web source either...

Clickbait article with some junk science thrown in. No doubt being linked as “evidence” by the tin foil hat crowd. It’s just a bunch of BS. Show me the peer reviewed sources for the information.