Elongated Skulls Could be Proof of Alien Life Here!

@Ddaddy is a pretty intelligent man
He who calls BULL$*** without knowing the facts, and then posting a link from Wikipedia link
is a genius. Proudness pours out of his posts.

you my friend are a brainwashed IDIOT!!!
goes with this
And I do believe in Aliens . There is actually evidence of them
Now who is brainwashed?

AND if you REALLY think the earth is a few thousands of years old,
You believe in Aliens and I believe in under 7000 year old Earth.
Why then am I an Idiot?

Have the local Genius debunk these below since he has me on ignore. Hope you do not shut
the door also. Free thinking vs group think.

-Short lived Comets.
-Very little Salt in the Sea.
-Carbon-14 in Fossils, Oil, Coal, and Diamonds. (Radiocarbon) Half life reading is 5730 years.
-Helium in Radioactive Rocks.
-Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field.
-Faint Sun Paradox.
-Bent Rock Layers.
-Soft Tissue, Blood Cells, Proteins, DNA in Dinosaur Bones (the word "Dinosaur" was created in 1841.

Now the Evolution Fraud...
-Peppered Moth.
-Vestigial organ fraud.
-Earnst Haeckels evolution embryo fraud (still used in text books today).
-Nebraska Man (Later to be discovered to be a pigs tooth).
-Java Man.
-Neanderthal Man (bone disease).
-Archaeoraptor (Front cover National Geographic Magazine and later corrected in a future article
in small print).
-Orce Man (turns out to be a Donkey).

Big Bang is Imagination.
Universe is 91 billion light years wide?? but the Big Bang happened 14 billion years ago?
Lets say you stand in the center. Why can we see the stars? With these numbers it sounds
like it would of had to travel faster then the speed of light to expanded to that width.
If so, did it slow down so we can see the light? What slowed it down?

I'm a Idiot?
P.S. HAVE THE LINK on the peer review study out from England on soft tissue dinosaur bones.
One is the study of how long can soft tissue can be preserved under lab conditions without
knowing a few years later of the new evidence that came in. They quickly came up with another reason
for preservation of soft tissue for millions of years. Yes believe in Aliens if so be.