"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

Engineers know that all systems are losing order. We have a specific measurement of it called entropy. We use it to come back to a specific thermodynamic point because we know the closed system has lost some order. If all systems have been forever losing order, Who created order in the first place? It had to be an all-powerful intelligence. Think of a conical stack of bowling balls. If we know they do nothing but fall down, then you know it took energy and intelligence to stack them up originally. There goes "evolution".
It’s called thermodynamic equilibrium or the lowest energy state of all matter. The process you describe isn’t losing “order” it is refining itself to reject the intrinsic disorder in favor of equilibrium.

Entropy in the universe does not exist in a closed system. The Universe, since the origin, exists in a state of thermodynamic disorder and it is slowly moving back toward equilibrium.

The stack of bowling balls is not order, all the balls laying on the ground at rest is.