"Nova" has finally joined the far left fringe retardville preposterosness

I disagree because;

Who makes just one slice of bacon, or one pancake.
What hubris to presume that God the creator is limited to just one universe?
Look at the intricate beauty of, let's say a Maple leaf. (But NOT the Toronto Maple Leafs!) Now expand that to cover all the different creations on this one planet alone. We are on one planet in a star system of four DIFFERENT rocky little planets, and four big gas giants (Not Pluto, **** Pluto it doesn't count. If all the planets in the solar system were to play smear the queer, well I'll leave it to your imagination as to what Pluto is.) Now multiply that by all the stars in the sky. How DARE we presume to attempt to limit God by our imaginations.
You won't get an argument outta me on this, except in my world those other creations would be outside our enclosed firmament.
In my world I consider this place as an experiment. God put Adam and Eve in here and said be fruitful and multiply; then He left some Watcher-class angels in charge and said see ya later in a few Days. Well He got called back a few times to straighten out His experiment, and eventually had to make a stand. But that didn't work out either so He abandoned the apple of his eye, for their continual whoring after other gods. But in His mercy, He provided a Savior. And that didn't work out too well either. Finally, He says He wrote His Laws on our hearts and left us with the Holy Spirit, and the Book of Revelation, and said figure it out for yourselves,boys, I'll be back in a couple of Days for to collect my Bride.
Could there be other experiments outside ours? Sure. But our system has to be closed so we don't get out and go messing up His other experiments.
But we are not alone in here....... lol.
From the beginning we have had aliens among us, just not the extra-terrestrial type.