
Ever so often I will read thru the for mopar car for sale section here, Cl all around a 5-6 state area, even glance at Feebay ( which I have never paid much attention to, ever....)....... OK so I can not make comment in the mopar car for sale section...... BUT..... LOL.. I guess I can comment here. Cars for sale here and it is "bumped" week after week, or the price is dropped 10 straight weeks and NO takers!!? LOL
Anything actually selling? Guess not, prices of 95 % of it.. wonder why???? OK so I understand CL is a cluster mess of gigantic proportion is majority of the cases. But here you would think some cars and prices could be somewhat is line with reality.
You will find fair amount of mopar for sale on various FB sites falling in the real of reality.

I know, prices are loved or hated, depending if you are selling or buying. I am neither right NOW!!!!!!

Oh well, I made comments here that are FABO legal!!! LOL