Layson's web site needs help

I'm not just carping here -- this is meant as constructive criticism. But I have to say that I would purchase more items from Layson's if the web site wasn't so primitive.

Just for one example, nothing is more frustrating than to click through the category tree 5 or 6 steps, then to find "nothing" at the end of it. I have already entered a year and model -- if there are no products available for that model, why are the links active? This kind of issue has been solved on everyone else's web store for years. The keyword search is a faster way to get a result, yes, but then you have to guess what the active keyword is, and for many parts it isn't obvious. It is also disconcerting when the keyword search finds an item that did not appear in the category search under the same name.

Lack of photos and adequate descriptions is another common problem. I will not buy a part sight unseen, especially not from a one-line description.

As it is now, I only check Layson's for a part as a last resort, after first going to other vendor sites with easy navigation, effective search functions and good photographs and descriptions. I would guess that I am not the only one. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.

Hey Rick@Laysons, I'll rebuilt your entire website and teach you how to use it in trade for a pair of 1965 Barracuda rear quarter panels.