Why did Mopar make so many green cars?

A troll who constantly bashes Mopars on another site asked this question. We know Earth-tones were popular around 1970 with all of the Big 3 because of the "save the Earth" mood. But why was green seen on so many Mopars? Anyone here have special knowledge of this?
Its because rusts, golds, greens and browns were the popular main stream colors across all design in the late 60s and early 70s. Those years also happen the best years for Mopar Muscle and Chrysler painted cars in colors that they knew would sell. Most people therefore remember Mopars as being green, brown or gold. Along the fringes were the fans of the brighter and bolder psychedelic colors and Mopar offered the HIP bright colors to draw those customers too.

The reasons were all based on what colors the consumers wanted...not because of why they wanted them or what it cost to make the paint.