How big of a jerk am I? Or are you?

Thanks barbee! Exactly how I feel. And thanks everyone for the responses. About what I expected(except for one.)
And Joe, trust me. There was nowhere for the car to go. I have a long narrow driveway and the car had nowhere else it could go. The engine is out and the tranny is on a jack. It had to be right there.
I'm glad I did the favor for my sister in law, though. It was a big help to her and the crew were actually really nice except for the one hipster electrician.
This guy did piss me off on a few levels, though. Obviously, the car was first but also, I'm not a big fan of people who don't do their job properly, especially as I do some high end car commercials from time to time.
If I ran a stinger over a car at work, I'd be screamed at for sure.
Not respecting over people's property not to mention creating a tripping hazard. He did it because he's not a car guy and probably just saw a junky old car, in his mind.
Also, if you guys go back and read what I said, you'll see that I said a film crew CAN wreak havoc on a location. I didn't say they always do. People who are professional leave a location exactly as they found it. These people were considerate for the most part and I corrected the one guy who wasn't.
I only started this thread as I found it interesting how non car people look at our old cars and how WE as car people treat the same cars. Hell, even my wife thinks I'm a bit obsessive about my cars but she gets the big picture. She sees how much time and money I have in these cars and the enjoyment they bring me.
Anyhow, it's over now and I have a happy wife and I'm hitting the road tomorrow back to Oklahoma for a much needed vacation. I'll see some of my fabo brothers on the way!