A little early for these

What do you do where you are involved with them?

Not so much as past years, but I used to live in the Sierra Nevada mountains north of Tahoe and they were all over the place there.
Even had a metal sheet surrounded area not to far from my house where they enclosed one den because it was so big and in huge boulders where they couldn't really get to them to remove them.

I used to catch them for the local college where they milked for anti venom and at $20 a snake it was pretty good money.
Got pulled over once with an ice chest with a bungie around it on the luggage rack of my motorcycle with 7 of them in it, and the cop wanted me to open it because he thought I had beer in it.
I cracked the lid and he about crapped his pants and started yelling at me to get off the road with them.:D
Only been bit twice but both were more grazes than actual bites and only caused a light swelling.

Even after all that the Mojave Greens kinda make me real wary.