A833 Four Speed Gets Stuck in Reverse

Wow, thanks for the wealth of opinions. The tranny was working fine when I picked up this car. Since I went into overhaul mode, I had a very reputable shop in town (owner had been involved in Mopar drag cars for years) tear it down, look it over, and reseal the tranny. He found no problems with it. No parts were replaced, other than some gasket seal kit, so no mismatched parts as 66fs suggested. (In retrospect, should of left it alone.)
There are 2 shoulder bolts that go into 2 tight holes in the side cover. These align the cover very precisely. Find the 2 shoulder bolts and put them where they go, I think they are in the center on the short sides of the cover.
Thank you for the explanation. When I loosened and tightened the side cover, I tapped the cover upward without knowing what I was supposed to accomplish. It didn’t move upward at all. Then I tightened it. Next time, I will retry and hopefully find that sweet spot where the side cover and shoulder bolts line up.