How big of a jerk am I? Or are you?

First let me apologize if I offended you, it was not my intention. The drama queen comment was meant to be fun sarcasm and the second emoji wouldn't have been used knowing it would offend. Figured we in for a good debate and that would be it.
I don't disagree with you concern for your car, I am very protective of mine, it stays covered in the garage, parked in the north forty at the store and I worry until i get back to it when its in a parking lot.
It just seems like when it boiled down, it was one time that you had to ask them to stay a way from it and the problem was solved. Four pages later, it seemed like a lot more was made out it than it really was. (my opinion) so I figured I'd give my 2 cents.

Thanks for saying that dgibby. And no need to apologize. You'll have to do better than that to offend me. Lol. I appreciate the clarification, though. Like I said, we're all allowed an opinion here and I was asking for them.