A little early for these

The different rattlers I have experienced just want to get away from you. Cottonmouths will go after you. Or get in your boat, especially if they smell fish. I don't want to meet any of those Green Rattlers!!!!

Same experience with diamondbacks here, but the greens are definitely a different attitude.
My Brother lived and did a lot of fishing in Louisiana, and man the stories about those snakes are kind of scary. :D

I had one get aggressive and sttike repeatedly but I think he just hated Austrians...

Kept trying to bite my KTM...lol

Nothing but heat and vibration there. Probably his worst nightmare !
I just grabbed a long dead branch and scootched him off the trail then rode along.

Biggest one I have seen in Idaho.

I have had the same thing happen when riding.
Saw one sitting right by the side of the trail all pissed looking and right as I got there I lifted my right leg and he hit the motor.
They sense by heat, and I'm sure all the noise and movement didn't help his attitude any.

That was this guy.
