Please Explain Lane Splitting

Here, lane splitting is riding inbetween cars on there sides. A car in each lane (2 or 3 lanes) headers no in the same direction, the rider will squeeze in between them. The rider will ride the broken white stripe the divides the left from the right lane.

Also, sometimes the rider will ride the solid line at the far right for the shoulder of the road or left side where it ether divides east and west bound sides of traffic or the far left shoulder.

While in traffic, I don’t have an issue when a rider goes by. But there speed can be an issue. Mildly putting on by is one thing. More often than not, I’ll be traveling in stop and traffic at 0 - 25 mph and some (singular or group) rider(s) will ether wiz or SCREAM by any where from 40 - 90+.

This my friends, is an issue.

Add in a swerving rider or group of riders traveling at 30+ miles an hour faster than you in traffic, well, it’s really a recipe for disaster, and it’s obvious none of them care! So this leaves me with, if they don’t care about me, why should I care about them?!?!

I’m really not amused when I’m traveling at 70mph, And a rider or a group of riders travel pass me doing a wheelie. And there not just creeping past me ether.