Please Explain Lane Splitting

What I said was, and I repeat for clarity, done correctly lane splitting is not a bad thing. Just because someone does it wrong we should stop it? Bullshit. You can use that rediculous logic on everything from guns to Big Macs.

I can follow a car for miles and know they never check their mirrors. That's how **** happens. Idiotic drivers. And yes, there are bike riders who do stupid ****.

Don't blame lane splitting on stupid people. You don't have to like it. Why should I have to sit in traffic, which isn't all that safe if I can split a lane and get away from morons?

Ever see what happens to a bike that gets squished at a stop light, or sitting in a stupid traffic jam? Yep, I lane split and do it without caring what anyone else thinks of it. Call the sheriff and whine to him.

Lane splitting isn't crossing the double yellow and passing into oncoming traffic....