Mt Kilauea just erupted big time...

If the Mount St Helens erupted lets say in the 1400's without witness the scientist would teach these
layers were formed in millions of years. Grand Canyon is the same.
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What's hilarious is all the LIES we were told after the eruption. It was on the TV night and day and in all the papers.

It would be decades before anything ever came back. It would be total devastation for years and years and years and be a living monument to evolution.

In truth, the following year plant life was back and shortly thereafter the animals came back.

In less than 10 years if you didn't know what it looked like before, you'd never know what happened. So much for evolution.

Also, when you hear lies like the Grand Canyon was formed over millions and millions and millions of years is bunk. Go look at the Toutle river and what happens from cataclysmic destruction. When you have years of erosion, you have very smooth sides around the water lines.

When you have an event like Mt St. Helens, you see very jagged, rough edges around the water lines. Just like you see in the Grand Canyon.

So the Grand Canyon was formed in a relatively short time period. So much for evolution.

We have a living laboratory in that mountain that easily disproves much of evolution and yet the ignorant want to believe evolution is true.