Please Explain Lane Splitting

I’m not offended, I’d actually have to care what you think for that. But I’m also not going to let you tell people riding without all the proper gear is somehow safer because you lack the skills/training/experience to do it. It’s not. If you don’t want to wear a helmet because it cramps your style and you don’t mind ending up a brain-dead organ donor after a minor accident, that’s your business. Sign a DNR, carry your organ donor card, and leave the rest of us out of it. Just don’t mistake your uninformed choices, or your inability to ride with all the right gear, as facts that apply to everyone else.

I could bore you with stories of all the motorcycle accidents I’ve been on in 20+ years of working as a firefighter, but I’m guessing you think you’re immune to ending up like that. You’re wrong. If you “prepare for the crash” you have a decent chance at walking away from some pretty serious accidents. If you don’t, you have a pretty good chance of being seriously maimed or even killed in an otherwise minor accident. Just the facts.
Boy first time you're telling me that I ride in flip-flops and now you're telling me I'm telling people not to ride and save gear? If you stop putting words in my mouth I won't sound so terrible and you won't sound so good LOL thank you for your firefighting service it's a very dangerous job and I'd wouldn't want any of my opinions to overshadow your service. I was just saying what's feel safe for me and what feel safe or something for someone else I'd be a priority. Anything to bring your safety awareness and Consciousness while you're recommended by me. I've seen people dressed from head to toe that should never touch the motorcycle in their entire life. Anyways I just walked away from this an hour ago this Jack will just ruin his Challenger punching into the driver's door of my wife's Durango while I was crossing an intersection. Are Goldwing is up for sale anyways but definitely now! I don't think my wife and I would have survived that no matter how much gear we had on we would have definitely had left broken legs guaranteed... Again just an hour ago and I was able to drive it home I'm still a bit in shock....IMG_20180520_150147.jpgIt's great day to be alive!...