Stop in for a cup of coffee

My daughter just called me, here is a quick summary of that conversation.
Daughter: Dad do you want to work on a project
Me: That depends what are you talking about
Daughter: Well Dylan's (boyfriend) parents are selling a 3-wheeler and I told them I would be interested in it
Me: How much
Daughter: Its free for me, they said I can have it but it needs work. Not really sure, what is wrong with it. Could just be a fuel line or bad gas
Me: Ok, sounds fun, Do you want to pick it up this weekend?
Daughter: Yep, and we can spend all weekend working on it
Me: What brand is it?
Daughter: Well its Yellow and if I remember right, thats a Yamaha.
Me: Yep, it sure is.
Daughter: Cool, I cant wait to get this thing running
Me: It will be fun, but it sounds like you've picked up some habits from your dad
Daughter: What do you mean
Me: Your wheelin and dealin
Daughter: Just starts laughing and says yep. I think I know a good thing when I see it.

Seriously, this just made me all warm and fuzzy inside. My daughter is 17 now, but she for sure has her dads traits, and doesnt mind the hard work to figure something out.
Whoa wait a minute you let her have a boyfriend?!?!? You brace, mines gonna be in a tower until she's 65...