
The last cheap headers I used around 93-94 got flattened at the end of my driveway dropping off the curb onto the street....so the lasted about 15 feet of driving.
The old chrome TTIs on my scamp are over 20 years old and are still good... just ugly.
18 years on TTIs, and about 120,000 miles including 5 winters. But to be fair, the winters were hard on the topside welds on the merges. I had to repair them twice in the first 8 years or so, and the drivers side needs patching again. The head flanges never leaked or loosen off by themselves, or burned the gaskets out... on the Eddies.I replaced the first set of gaskets after about wearing them out with 10 engine swaps. I still have them and they are my back-ups. The second set are about 13/14 years old .
With 1.03 bars and HD shocks, I have had my K down to 5.5" off the tarmac, and I hammer mercilessly over speed-bumps with impunity. I had to make a skid-plate tho for my Morosso road-race pan.