72 fitment aluminum radiator into a 1974?

None huh? Same thermostat, water pump, fan, fan shroud, coolant, etc?

I would bet that the 2 row Champion uses the same tube dimensions as the Champion three row. Which means the 2 row Champion probably has smaller tubes than the original brass 22" 2 row did, which is why your car now runs hotter. It's just cheaper for them to produce all of their radiators with the same tube size. Which is probably the same reason that Cold Case, the company being repped by Ccas, doesn't sell 3 row radiators. They only use one tube size because it's cheaper to do that. Well, that and they'd have to change their entire sales gimmick if they came out with a 3 row radiator. In your case I would bet that one of those 2 row "big tube" radiators from Ccas would probably work better than your current 2 row Champion. Bigger tubes, more surface area.

Look I'm not a Champion rep, I really don't care. My argument has not been for Champion. They're a cheaply produced radiator and absolutely have the quality control and fit issues that come along with that. The 3 row, 26" Champion radiator that I have has worked flawlessly, but not everyone has had that experience.

My particular beef is the perpetual shlock about 2 row "big tube" radiators and how 3 row radiators are inherently worse. It's a marketing gimmick. Same as the competing manufacturers that say 3 or 4 row radiators are inherently better because they have more rows. Big tubes aren't inherently better. More rows isn't inherently better. In general more surface area is better, but even that depends on the details. The cooling capacity of a radiator depends on a whole bunch of things, and those are only two of many variables. You can have a 3 row that cools better than a 2 row, and a 2 row that cools better than a 3 row, it just depends on the design and construction of those individual radiators. Which is why I keep pressing for more information, so we can actually see which is better based on the DATA.

But since we can't get past the marketing gimmick to real information, we won't know if the 2 row "big tube" radiators that Ccas is trying to sell us actually perform better than the competing 3 rows. All of these radiator companies make sales pitches, most of them count on the buyer not actually having an understanding of thermodynamics.
Well I think you'll be shocked to hear that I agree with almost everything you are saying here. This is your assessment of the industry. I think we're both saying pretty much the same things. I was taking this a little to personal. If occasionally it sounds to you like a broken record, remember that I've made around 30 total posts in this community. I don't think any of them were irresponsible. Don't forget that you have been on these forums for eons. You've watched advertisers come and go. You've listened to countless claims. You've watched members waste money on radiators they didn't need. So here comes Cold Case with more of the same. So perhaps I'm paying for all the past frustrations? :) The difference with me is I am not a salesperson. The buck stops at me. I've built a couple of pretty successful companies. I am still doing this because I enjoy it, not because I need the $. These companies were built on the ability to create value for customers. I'm here because I have pride in the value we have created but to those that have seen my posts on various forums, they know I'll be the first to compliment another brand or another product when I think that product deserves it.
I'm on here for two reasons;
1. To share my knowledge of the automotive industry and in particular the cooling side of the industry. (but if anyone wants to talk about exhaust technology, I happen to know a bit about that also :) )
2. To recommend our products in situations where I think they create value for the member. We do have a money back cool guarantee. It makes no sense for me to recommend a product that I'm not very confident about because I'm going to get it back on my dime if it doesn't improve the situation.
Over time, when appropriate, I will provide supportive information. 'Proof' as you call it. Until then I'm ok with being guilty until proven innocent. ;)