Polyurethane Windshield Adhesive OK to Use in Seams?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
When I finish cleaning all the cracks and seams of most of the factory body and panel sealants (and sandblast/prime), I was thinking about squirting some of the same sealant used on modern windshields in all the exposed cracks/crevices now opened up between panels and cowl. Will that seal things well? (black "Sika Titan" is what I have on hand) Thank you.
Spend the money (about $20 a tube) for the real stuff. I recommend 3M.
I have always used 3m seam sealer with good luck.
U-POL Tiger seal is an excellent seam sealer and is about half the cost of 3M.
Seam sealer if you want paint to stick to it. I wouldnt cheap out.
In my old truck i used paintable acrylic sealant. Seals fine, paint fell off.
The seams I am referring to don't need paint on top of the sealant (that i know of anyway). The are pretty much hidden from view: seams under dash around the cowl, on the floor pan below the doors, corner areas around the front fenders, in the back around the wheel wells (under carpet), etc.
The seams I am referring to don't need paint on top of the sealant (that i know of anyway). The are pretty much hidden from view: seams under dash around the cowl, on the floor pan below the doors, corner areas around the front fenders, in the back around the wheel wells (under carpet), etc.
Clean andprime and go for it then. I would. If i had the product.
I think you already have something.
But use this is you want something that will stick, never come off or shrink (and can be painted if needed)
Get it at Lowes Depot.
I've put A body windshields in with it.
I've used it to repair window rubber.
I've used it on drip rails.
I've used it to seal seams.
Do not use a water based caulk.

