If you really really want to feel old

I was 15, in orchestra class just before lunch. They closed the school, we rode "downtown" with some friends to one of their houses and watched things unfold on TV Sloppy, slushy wintery day with about 4" of wet slush on the road

We had a "black and white" TV and got 1 channel clear, and the "other two" so snowy and noisy they were near impossible to enjoy most the time. Channel 4 was CBS at that time on Mt Spokane

My Dad worked at the local NAPA, I don't recall that they closed, and likely did not. On a side note, he not only sold auto parts for them, he was the Johnson outboard mechanic (they had the franchise) and worked on others as well, he turned drums (no rotors, much back then) and also relined brake bands for tractors and "jammers" (winch drums) and truck / trailer shoes.

That's super cool. When I was in auto shop in high school, we relined brake shoes for the local rail yard and most anybody else that needed it. I used to love doing that. btw, channel 4 was CBS back in the day here, too. LOL