Crimping a radiator side tank

I wouldnt waste my time. Look close at the crimps, they all cracked.little hairline fractures.

Mopar coolant=gabbage.
It turns into a silica-like deposit if left in rad too long,seepage into the gasket area will expand and force its way deeper,pushing the tanks away from core.
Not to mention the blockage.

I applaud your effort and creativity. Wonder if it was strapped with a couple rounds of ginormous hose clamps would work.

When I finally got the radiator out of the vehicle and I dumped it there was a sludge that almost look like wet sand came out of the radiator. I thought somebody had dumped dirty water or something in it.
What you're saying it's actually the antifreeze breaking down?
What is your recommendation for antifreeze if not using the Mopar antifreeze?
I did not notice any cracks in the aluminum crimps.
tomorrow I will go back with a magnifying glass and look and see if they are cracked.

Thank you for your input.