Griffin radiator and twin fans still running at 190-200?

OK UPDATE. I think I got it. I am passing this info on as I think it is worthy of sharing. What I found was that all three of the bottom radiator hoses that I ordered from 3 different companies were all way out of the proper shape and spec to be a direct fit in my car. What I found out was that the hose companies are doing is to take many cars which each have a slightly different hose length and shape and narrowing them down to just one hose to fit all. Problem is #1 (they don't tell you that) #2 ( most auto part store personnel have no clue other than to look in a stupid computer) #3 lots of stores tell you it is an exact fit) #4 ( they are all clueless and the hoses are no way near an exact fit. I was getting a kink in all three hoses. Cutting them seemed to not work either as they have very slight bends on each end and do not allow much cutting to take place. SOOOO, I bought a small aluminum splice sleeve and actually took 2 hoses and used the ends of both of them and installed the 3" sleeve in the center which now works very nice. I was even able to clock each end slightly to align perfectly. Now I have full flow with no signs of any kinks at all. Started her up today and she ran right up to about 185 and the fans kicked on and pulled her right back down to about 175 like nothing. And today is hot and very humid. So, if you are working a radiator on a small block, be very careful when installing what the parts stores call out for your car? It is bullshit. Lots of pain buy I wanted to share to save someone else this pain.

Awesome! Glad you got it sorted.

Getting the right parts is key, and it's definitely not getting easier.