first purchase from classic industries

This it the effect of the new "global sourcing" policy our country is heading towards! I have a plastic injection mold business and you came to the right place if you want to hear bitching about it!

I've came to the realization that it's not the Chinese people that are "pi$$ing in our Cheerios", it's some American fat cat that's RAPING us, exporting our jobs...skilled, high paying jobs, exploiting the Chinese people and laughing all the way to the bank...while lining the pockets of whatever senator, or Congressmen they needs to.

I literally cannot buy the steel for the price China can deliver a mold for. Would you believe that the Chinese people get overtime, workmens comp, holidays, vacations, insurance, un-employment. How about "safe working conditions", proper hazardous waste removal?

The Chinese people are being exploited.......and our government allows it because someone that already has money is going to make more of it...and payoff government officials along the way! China is to far away for us to view easily......Perhaps they should have considered a China location, before choosing to export our "water-boarding" to Cuba.

Long way around the block, but that's why your dash sucks, I wish I had an answer instead of gripes.