Slacker's Guide to Fixing Up the 68 Notch

Subscribed. Top quality Work and thanks for the time you take to share all the pics and info... very much appreciated. Our projects are very similar, and at a similar stage. You are giving me the inspiration to dig deeper, which has already been nagging at me, now that I’m nearly done with the brakes. In my mind I know I need to dig into the steering/suspension and rebuild it all as well... but that deceitful urge to “get it running” can often take over. It’s much smarter to slow down and dig a little deeper into the car. For the last couple of weeks I’ve known what I need to do, and your suspension tear-down has helped sway me, so thanks! And good luck getting on the project when you get rolling again!

Thanks JAndrea! I have fallen off the wagon a bit with some family and other committments but every time I walk in the garage it keeps calling me! Now thats its a 100 degreees out there I can work on my car in a dry sauna at no extra costs! Glad to see the progress you are making, and I think the “get it running” is a good strategy, you can always catch up on the front end later if it is not in terrible shape. The dry Arizona heat pretty much toasted all the rubber in my front end components so it made that choice for me. Like that you are putting a 383 in your car, seems like a forgotten engine these days.