The "Dakota King" strikes again!!!!

I am SSSOOOOOO stupid. Drug home a Dakota big cab, v6, transmission has a problem. Battery was way down, I didn't even try to start it. Shifter acts like it's disconnected??? Maybe that is what's wrong LOL.

The good? Decent tires and body is straight. Cruise, AC, Pioneer radio added. It's 2WD so that "might" be an A500 core I hope it isn't the WTF newer all electronic "thing" 545?? whatever?? Don't know when they went to that. I can't get under it and it STAYS on the trailer until I get the title transferred.

The BAD!!!! Body has terminal cancer. Rotted at bottom of cab under doors, bed rotted behind flares, Both bumpers are GONE Paid all of 200 bucks. Too bad, I need that bed for the last one LOL

You can see the GROUND down through the front bumper where the grill fits down. It IS a chrome grill and it doesn't look too bad

The interior is not torn up but IS dirty and SMELLS like someone smoked 26 hours a day inside!!



