what is your daily shooter?

Thanks all. Enjoy your stories.
When it comes to handguns here in Sweden, it is very hard to get one unless you are member of a shooting club.

well, here in the U.S., we consider it a God given right to own and carry guns (and by "U.S. i mean most of states, except for commiefornia and illinois, and perhaps a few others)
but there is a difference between shotguns (which the OP asked about) and handguns, which we probably carry on a daily basis
when i bought my first shotgun, there was a back ground check that took about 5 days to return, before i was allowed to purchase it
same with my first pistol
then i got my Concealed Pistol License, and now i can walk into any place that sells guns and walk out with a gun as soon as my money is in their hands

as a daily carry, i rotate between a ruger SR9, when im wearing gloves, or dont care about concealment, or a Taurus PT9 if i need to be less obvious