Front disk brake concerns on SBP

I am becoming more disappointed on my eBay front disk brake conversion. If the upper control arm ball joint to spindle problem wasn't bad enough what I'm about to mention is.

So on Friday my Scamp got it's first good run since the install. About 15 miles into it, I get knocking and shaking coming out of the right front wheel when applying the brakes but only at low speeds. It wasn't wheel bearings. Luckily I wasn't too far from home when it started. Got it home and immediately pulled the wheel. That wheel was so hot you couldn't hold the lug nuts. The rotor turned with a towel in hand, but you could see and feel how warped the rotor is. It shouldn't come as any surprise! When I installed the brakes the outboard disk pads were actually rubbing the side of the rotors, had to grind the pads to get clearance. See the pictures of that below, note they are both the same rotor. They are so off round those pictures are about 180 degrees from each other, notice the gap distance.

So I'm going have my machine shop turn the rotors and see if he can or will take anything off the side walls. And while I'm at it going to replace those cheap Chinese bearings.

wheel 1.jpg

Wheel 2.jpg