Drunk tow truck driver

But, if you were stinking rich and living there, couldn't you just have some wetbacks pack up your greenbacks and move to the outback?

I lived out here for 4 yrs, back when the economy dumped here. I loved riding 4 wheelers in the desert ! Could just fire it up and leave out, no hauling to ride. Used to go across a hiway and a couple of smaller roads to a place where the Mohave river came out of the ground. Was a beautiful place , cold water, anywhere fron 2/3" to 3 ft deep,. You could ride in it , (had to outrun the BLM broncos a couple of times), really cooled u off when it was 100 or so degrees out. Last time we went over there , there were bunch of Mexicans sitting on an old divan, in the middle of one of the larger pools. Beer cans and fresh trash everywhere , and a couple of stripped and burnt cars. "They absolutely ruined the whole area!" I wouldn`t be surprised if the BLM hasn`t turned the place into a park, they should if they haven't.