Help evaluating this car...69 DART

My opinion is buy a different body. This car is to far gone for a high horse power LS. One of those motors in this car would twist it in half. That rusty trunk floor is a real mess and would cause serious body flex and and your amp would get wet in the rain.

You may not be able to find a Nova. But those Fox body mustangs are all over the place and all the parts are out there for your wishes. So if you are serious about going fast Chose a Fox body or a second/third gen camaro.

Mopars are way out of your league and they don't look that good with neon lights under the hood and wheel wells. And a question you didn't ask was. Will they hold the weight of your turbo you'll need on that LS?

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This post has LOW IQ driveled in it from top to bottom...

To start with, it should be, "This car is TOO far gone...". I don't have time TO correct your grammar. Its TOO far gone.

What really concerns me about this post is the fact that you have TOO much knowledge about how MOPARS look with neon lights.
Can you explain that?