Help evaluating this car...69 DART

all depends what your plans are and you wallet. like Hemi's are not installed in old fords etc. i find it odd how some are willing to install a 9 inch but freak out on a engine other than the car brand. personally i would build a driver with a dodge engine , trans and diff. in it. that me talking but it is called hot rodding. be glad you do not live in Cuba! someone would throw a bag of rice under the hood with a gerbil in a wheel if they thought it would look cool to drive it instead of planting flowers in it in the front yard. at 2500.00 , it's a good deal. i got a half rusty 69 cuda with a 360 magnum in it for 3000.00 canadian. but that would total to a dollar ninety nine for you americans. it's your car, but expect mopar freaks to complain and need meds to breath after seeing what you did, or keep the hood shut and tell them it's a stock 318 and walk away. let them get pebbles in their knees checking out the oil pan. what ? you never met a lying sandbagger at the drags before? it's all part of the game you, i or they play bud.

There was a cool car program on a while back about Cuba rides. It hurts to see what they go through to have a bad azz ride. But their skill level is high as a result too.

Yeah agree on the Mopar thing. A heart I’m a Mopar guy. Those late 60s mopars were the best looking cars on the planet. Now...
a 440 would be just what the Mopar dr ordered.