Why it sucks to get old

Bless you for helping. Too many people ignore their parents and let them live in Nursing Homes that accept Medicade. I also fear the possibility of that happening to me, but my youngest daughter has promised to not force me into a nursing home and live with her.

Bless her for saying that, and i'm sure she'll carry through to the best of her ability, but don't be surprised when she breaks that promise. At some point taking care of you may become more that she can handle for any number of reasons. For instance if you need round the clock care, and she is still working, or If you have to be helped just to get up, or out of a wheel chair and on to the potty. You may be in your 80's or 90's and your daughter might be in her 60's, she will not have the physical strength to pick you up or move you around. Or if you have Alzheimer's you could become confused, belligerent, or even violent, because you don't know whats going on around you, don't recognize your daughter, etc, etc.
For your sake I hope I'm wrong, but just sayin' sometimes a nursing home is the only option left.